Our Platform

The World Zionist Congress (WZC) is the ONLY democratically elected body of Jewish leaders worldwide. Every 5 years, the WZC gathers to make key decisions on behalf of the Jewish people and select the leadership and funding priorities of the World Zionist Organization, Jewish National Fund, and Jewish Agency. If you are not aware of how these vital Zionist institutions impact your life, please know that they spend over $1 billion per year to support Israel and Jewish communities globally.

The Kol Israel slate stands on the shoulders of a historic group called the General Zionists, who included Theodor Herzl and Israel's first President, Dr. Chaim Weizmann. We are diverse Zionist leaders and activists, who have come together to put political and religious differences aside to fight for the common good and for pragmatic initiatives for our people.

Kol Israel alongside the World Confederation of United Zionists (CUZ) serves to advance the dreams and expectations of Global Jewry in its relationship with Israel. The State of Israel is the beating heart of the Jewish People, its existence realized through the efforts of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897.

Today, the WZO serves to connect Global Jewry to Israel through the World Zionist Congress (WZC), which empowers Jews from around the world to take an active role in shaping our collective destiny in Israel and around the world.

Kol Israel serves as the unifying voice of Global Jewry in the WZO and at the Congress.

CUZ under Kol Israel is an apolitical, non-denominational faction bringing together Jews from all backgrounds and political ideologies: right wing and left wing, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Secular, Sephardic and Ashkenazic, to educate and engage our next generation of leaders and activists who carry the mantle of Jewish continuity forward.

Kol Israel believes that the Zionist Congress should be a global ingathering of Jewish multiculturalism representing the diverse make-up of Jewish life and culture, where delegates put aside their differences and come together around the Zionist ideal of ensuring Global Jewish continuity with Israel at its center.

Israel's remarkable story and wondrous achievements should be a source of unifying pride for the Jewish People, igniting joint enthusiasm and active participation in the greatest Jewish project in modern time.

Kol Israel believes in the primacy of Israel education among global Jewish youth. The State of Israel needs the involvement of Global Jewry in public squares, institutions, and parliaments worldwide while also encouraging Aliyah to Israel from global communities.

Kol Israel views the WZO's departments of Diaspora Affairs, Education, Youth Movements and Future Leadership, Aliyah advancement and its delegates involvement in the Zionist Congress as vital platforms and tools towards achieving our shared objectives. Kol Israel seeks to bring Zionism to the 21st century by engaging diaspora Jewry with Israel in innovative ways using the latest technologies and new ideas.

Kol Israel's FOUR PILLARS:

Zionist Education - Chinuch - חינוך

Kol Israel celebrates and actively invests in the transmission of knowledge about the Zionist movement, Israel and Jewish self-awareness. As part of our efforts we support educational initiatives that bring about a positive Israel educational experience, nurturing values, opportunities for exploration and discovery, celebrating and educating others about Israel, and promoting Hebrew as the irreplaceable language of Jewish expression. Kol Israel is committed to connecting our youth to the chain of Jewish continuity and Zionist leadership. Kol Israel is also committed to develop Campus Israel, an initiative to encourage academic studies in Israel, as an innovative Zionist response.

Zionist Leadership - Maanhigut - מנהיגות

Kol Israel inspires Global Jewry to take their place in the Zionist movement and the wondrous achievements of Israel. This includes active outreach to policy makers and thought leaders, educating and demonstrating against the rise in antisemitism, and identifying opportunities for collaboration with Israel, in communities and on campuses.

Mutual Responsibility - Arevut - ערבות

Kol Israel believes that the ancient teaching that "all of Israel are responsible for one another" must be put into practice in modern terms. This includes strengthening the relationship between the State of Israel and Global Jewry, providing its fullest support to the further development of Shnat Sherut and Lone Soldier platforms which provide an important opportunity for Jewish Youth to make a positive contribution towards the building of Israel, and partnership with youth movements that champion pioneering and aliyah.

Innovation - Chadshanut - חדשנות

Kol Israel believes that the Zionist movement was one of the most innovative and inspiring developments in the last 2000 years of Jewish history. It is imperative to renew and restore the lustre of the movement with innovate and bold ideas.

Member Factions

Kol Israel believes that the ancient teaching that "all of Israel are responsible for one another" must be put into practice in modern terms. This includes strengthening the relationship between the State of Israel and Global Jewry, providing its fullest support to the further development of Shnat Sherut and Lone Soldier platforms which provide an important opportunity for Jewish Youth to make a positive contribution towards the building of Israel, and partnership with youth movements that champion pioneering and aliyah.

We believe that actions speak louder than words. With your vote, we will fight for the Zionist institutions to:

Fight antisemitism and anti-Zionism in university campuses, address growing threats in K-12 education, and more. We need increased cooperation, coordination, and resources, including for security, self-defense, and legal action.
Strengthen the bonds between Jews in America and Israel by investing in stronger Zionist youth movements, educational programs, summer camps, social media campaigns, and student exchanges that build lasting personal relationships.
Empower diverse Jewish voices from groups that are under-represented in the Zionist movement and truly engage the next generation.
Strengthen the Zionist Federations - Restore the leadership and funding to the Zionist Federations.
Build Campus Israel - as the next and natural step in the 'Israel experiences continuum' with high-level academics for degree study, professional development and Israeli living. Campus Israel is the only organization that will champion and facilitate English-language academic degrees in major Israeli universities, offering both a transformative experience and a path to career success. Campus Israel students will be equipped with cutting-edge knowledge, critical thinking, hands-on skills, and transformative experiences uniquely offered by Israel's world-leading universities at the epicenter of global innovation.
Advance new and bold Zionist ideas by creating an Office of Zionist Innovation (OZI) to provide funding, mentorship, and support for new initiatives. Through OZI, launch the first ever Zionist accelerator to create a framework for new Zionist initiatives and start-ups.
Bring the Olympics to Israel in 2048 - In recognition of Israel's 100 year anniversary, pass a resolution to fund an exploration committee to build the capacity to bring the Summer Olympics to Israel in 2048 either a standalone dib or in cooperation with Israel's regional neighbours.

Antisemitism is rising in America and across the globe.

Israel faces existential threats on multiple fronts.

Israel and the Jewish people need urgent support.

Strong leadership with $5 billion over 5 years can make a huge impact in this time of crisis and help rebuild our homeland, stimulate a Zionist renewal and repair the bridges between our people.

Let's stand together and ensure our Jewish resources work for our people in Israel and the diaspora alike.

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